Fotoletras Poéticas

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sábado, 18 de julho de 2009

The Voice of Silence

Foto: Gabriel Pessoa, "Chinelos Apaixonados"

Campos, Karina Araújo – Jan 1st, 2008 – Belo Horizonte City/Brazil
Tradução: Cristiane Bahia

In the silence of I myself
It sprouts: the voice of my soul.
I, surrounded of me, as a lake.
Deep, limpid, intact, solemn.
Serene, quiet, silent.

In the external silence, it screams inside me: the voice.
The same which is born of babbling,
Small sounds emanated from the desire,
From the wish of making themselves heard as sound.

Whisper in the ears,
In the time, in the wind,
They make themselves eternal in the air.

The voices are words, sounds,
The voices are the words of the soul,
Are the sounds of the nature.

Are tender, experienced,
Whispered: in the ears, in the navel,
In the mother’s belly,
That speaks the voice of maternity,
Where its silence is heard in the silence of the son.
The moviment of the son becomes voice by the mother.

Voices printed in the times,
“Ouches” that notify existences,
Marks that enlarge the heart.
Screams of pain and love
To the return of the Universe.

To echoe aerial, implicit
In ethereal bodies.
To flit in the infinite:
Wailings of life
Overflowing feelings
That flow printed
In the soul of all of us.

But that in the silence are heard
In the immensity of the beings;
As in the silence of a kiss,
That is marked in the eternity.
As the voice that the glance says through its silence!

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Karina Campos